Digital Services

The first step to driving data-informed decision-making is transforming data into a critical asset. We equip environmental NGOs, government agencies, and foundations with software development skills and systems to amplify their conservation efforts and achieve meaningful outcomes for nature.

Work with us to Transform your Programs with Education and Applied Technology

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Contextualize use of trending technology

We help our partners develop the required foundational skills to discover, use, and apply modern technology to achieve their goals of documenting environmental interventions and measuring natural response.

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Build technical proficency

Our team supports our partners with resources and mentoring that bolsters skillsets in data management, system integration, and leveraging AI as a co-pilot for ongoing learning and improvement. 

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Deploy systems that grow program reach and value

By integrating advanced software systems and streamlined data management tools, we enable our partners to reach wider communities, improve operational efficiencies, and deliver measurable outcomes in their conservation efforts.

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Achieve integration across your organization's data and software

Our implementation approach focuses on system harmonization, helping  build a unified, data-driven foundation for advancing goals in monitoring and restoration.

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Reduce Developer Dependancy

We empower our partners to take control of their technology and train them to become more self-sufficient, agile, and equipped to handle new challenges as their requirements and program areas evolve.

Our Approach

Scaffold a Data Model

Using Airtable, we create a standardized data model, supporting application development that is easily maintained and extended as user requirements change and evolve.

Connect Services

Using PipeDream, our team connects your Airtable Base to services such as ArcGIS Online, Glide, and other applications that require data syncing and integration.

Visualize and Extend

Using configurable systems and low/no code environments, we support you with visual maps, analytics, and dynamic websites that update with your data management workflow.

Educate and Support

Our team delivers comprehensive standard operating procedures to ensure your organization can effectively take ownership of the project, extending as needed, with or without our team.

Democratizing access to software development services

Access a core set of project management, design, and integration services that unite your data with modern tools to bridge gaps in technical capacity and support your organization's mission.

Project Cost Sharing

We raise funds to help offset the full cost of environmental software development projects, offering our services and expertise at a fraction of the market cost.

In donated developer time
Projects Deployed
Avg. Software Development costs saved per organization
Contributed by our partners

Support the Digital Services Program