Ben Scheelk
Board Chair

Ben Scheelk

Ben manages The Ocean Foundation’s Blue Resilience Initiative, Fiscal Sponsorship Program, and other internal programs related to protected areas, high seas governance, and sustainable tourism. Ben’s work involves general operations, financial management, new business development, contractor management, stakeholder engagement, program evaluation, and client marketing. Ben joined TOF after working as the project manager and executive assistant for Alexandra Cousteau at Blue Legacy International, one of TOF’s now-fledged projects. Ben holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) and a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from The George Washington University. He graduated from Northern Michigan University with a B.A. in Earth Science and International Studies with Honors. 

Ben serves as Treasurer on the Advisory Board for Ocean Connectors, a fiscally sponsored project of The Ocean Foundation, which uses classroom activities, field trips, and “knowledge exchanges” to connect youth and build global stewardship in San Diego and Mexico.