Myra Jackson
Board Chair

Myra Jackson

Myra Jackson, often described as a Renaissance woman has enjoyed a diverse array of hefty careers as an Electrical Engineer, Organizational Development Professional, Systems Thinker and Master Trainer. She has lived abroad and studied many of the world’s religious and spiritual traditions in service to her lifelong fascination with the belief structures and cosmologies that captivate people and inform their lives.

Myra holds the title of Diplomat of the Biosphere awarded by the Stockholm Resilience Centre. She strives to discover the meaning of this title and apply its aspirational premise. Her primary work is focused on the Planetary Commons and public policy affecting the wellness of people and the planet through establishing rights of nature through Earth Jurisprudence. Linking local and global policy-making, she is a founding wisdom council member of the Gaiafield Project and Subtle Activism Network, and Senior Advisor on Whole Earth Civics and Focal Point on Harmony with Nature with Geoversiv Foundation.

In her role as, UN Permanent Representative in New York, Myra serves as the focal point on climate change for the Commons Cluster of NGOs. She recently facilitated Oprah Winfrey’s Belief series initiative as an official program of the United Nations hosted by the President of the General Assembly in October 2016.